Who We Are, What We Do
The Learning Commons is where Kalamazoo College students connect with skilled peers for help with math, physics, science, writing, English as a second language, design, and library research. Students can schedule consultations with our dedicated peer consultants and Kalamazoo College staff. Our mission is to foster a dynamic environment that empowers students to engage in deeper learning.

Dr Rachel Love, Director of the Science, Math, Business and Economics (SMBE) Learning Centers.
The Learning Commons is delighted to announce that Dr Rachel Love will be joining us as the Director of the new Science, Math, Business, and Economics Learning Centers. She will coordinate peer-led learning support in each of those areas. Her office is in the newly expanded Learning Commons on the first floor of the Library. The SMBE Learning…
Select one of the centers to learn about ways to meet, hours of availability, and more!

Center for New Media Design
Digital project assistance
The Center for New Media Design is committed to supporting students during all stages of the design process, including creating and designing presentations, posters, flyers, illustrations, infographics, photographs, and brochures.

English as a Second Language
Academic consultation assistance
Wherever you are, the ESL Center is right here ready to help! We assist in academic consultations in writing, presentations and time management or outside concerns such as structuring you schedule during social distancing.

Library Research Center
Research assistance
We are here to help you with your research questions and navigating library databases. We’ll help you with access to eBooks, articles, streaming films, and more in our collections!

Writing Center
Writing and citation assistance
We strive to assist the students of this college to create stronger pieces of writing by helping students hone the skills that they already possess as writers and editors, providing them with strategies and constructive feedback so that they may seek further accomplishment in the craft of writing.

Biology and Chemistry Center
Biology and Chemistry assistance
The Biology and Chemistry Center provides multiple types of support and is available to students in specific Biology and chemistry courses.

Business and Economics Center
Business and Economics assistance
The Business and Economics Center provides multiple types of support and is available to students in three different economics and business courses.

Learning Support
Learning Strategies
The Learning Support Center encourages you to participate in your own learning, experiment with new habits, and discover the methods that work for you.

Math Physics Center
Math and physics assistance
The Math-Physics Center guides you to find the answer for yourself by asking leading questions and comparing the problem to material you’ve already mastered. The goal of a consultation is to show you strategies for figuring out problems on your own.